Sunday, November 1, 2009

How to Effectively and Safely Eliminate Severe Panic Attacks in Your Own Home

Posted on 12:00 PM by admin

When most people think of anxiety, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to anxiety than just the basics.

Severe Panic Attacks | The Cause | Environmental Influences


"The true and hidden cause of all panic attacks is a nervous system and brain which have over heated, so to speak. They are not functioning normally, what is harmless is perceived as harmful. The system no longer serves the master, instead it has become the master."
The goal of anyone who's having panic attacks is to become their own master again, to be in total control of their thoughts, mind, and body. This is possible for anyone, even those with the most severe panic attacks symptoms.

In order to treat panic and anxiety attacks correctly we must go straight to the cause and address is directly. We must treat the nervous system. And not with masking drugs, but with things which anyone can do in their own homes.

It doesn't matter if their are multiple triggers and horrible symptoms, once we begin to heal and balance the nervous system, removing the negative, and reinforcing the positive, we get better and better each hour, day, and week.

Environmental Influences

The most powerful things to effect our nervous systems are things which we all have control over - things like diet, physical exercise, sleep, relaxation methods and techniques.

In combination these influences have dramatic effect.

If we eat a poor diet, get horrible sleep, never exercise, never treat ourselves to absolute relaxation then it's no wonder that we're going to have severe panic attacks. It's our body's way of telling us to change.

And change we will. I don't care how badly you have it, we must all change and heal ourselves. And when we do it's liking being reborn.

Not only will we do all the things we did before, but we'll take on even greater challenges in our lives. Life becomes a pleasure, and we're able to become a much better person on every single level.

If you base what you do on inaccurate information, you might be unpleasantly surprised by the consequences. Make sure you get the whole anxiety story from informed sources.

Severe Panic Attacks | A Natural Treat Plan For Anxiety & Panic


There are three crucial things to remember when considering diet and they are more water, more protein, and more alkaline minerals.

In order to gain enough alkaline minerals we need to consume 8 - 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Water intake needs to be 1/2 our body weight in ounces every day. And protein which produces neurotransmitters needs to be at least 0.5 to 1.0 grams of protein per day. With planning anybody can accomplish this.

Physical Movement

Panic and anxiety breed in a nervous system with pent up nervous energy. We need physical exercise to heal, and I recommend at least 30 minutes of brisk walking at least three to four days a week as a good start.


Deep healing sleep is critical. That's why we need to make our bedroom as dark and quiet as possible. Also, we need to try 5 HTP, valerian, chamomile, and skullcap to go deep. Next, we must get into a regular cycle every day.

Relaxation Therapy

Things like yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, progressive relaxation, massage (self or professional), and alternating hot/cold showers all build incredibly strong and balanced nervous systems.

Eventually panic attack cannot reside in such a system.

You can't predict when knowing something extra about anxiety will come in handy. If you learned anything new about anxiety in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

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